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In September, CCA California members had a great time fishing on one of seventeen research trips aboard the Stardust out of Santa Barbara. On this free trip to San Miguel anglers caught and released 471 fish, had a fantastic lunch cooked by John, beautiful weather and a flat calm day.  Scientists Chris, Katlin and Price all from California Collaborative Fisheries Research (CCFRP) asked anglers to help them collect data on fish inside several closed MPA’s along California’s south coast.
Anglers were divided into three groups:  Those fishing with lures, fishing with squid and others fishing with shrimp flies threaded with squid.  Once hooked the fish were reeled slowly to the surface, identified, measured, tagged and then carefully descended back to the bottom.  Scientific data collected from this and other trips will be used to access the effectiveness of the closures and help to guide the State toward proper management.
If you want to fish for FREE next year, join CCA as a member you may be able to volunteer for one of these trips…they had 17 this year…Help manage our marine resource and have fun at the same time!